
Upgrade Sustainably, Save more

Device Management

Importeer jouw toestellen in onze eenvoudig te gebruiken CAM en verkrijg een unieke tijdslijn van levenscycli, gebruik- en bezettingsgraad.Integreer onze CAM in je bestaande workflows.

Waarde bepaling

Krijg een real-time waardering van jouw toestellen op basis van nieuwprijs, componenten en de gebruikte grondstoffen.Koop & verkoop toestellen per opbod, bepaal tijdig vervangingen en herstellingen.


With help from

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Google Digital Atelier

gaf ons de digitale voorsprong die we nodig hadden, en tilde onze marketingstrategieën en online aanwezigheid naar een hoger niveau
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Start It @ KBC

koesterde onze startup-ambities met onschatbare begeleiding en netwerkmogelijkheden.
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Stad Mechelen

bood een gastvrije lanceerbasis, die ons verbond met een lokale gemeenschap gedreven door innovatie.
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gaf onze groei kracht, waardoor gedurfde ideeën werden omgezet in tastbare, impactvolle oplossingen in heel Vlaanderen.

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Partnership with Glassdoor and LinkedIn

Let us help you eliminate e-waste

Imagine having a powerful tool that not only maximizes the value of your assets, but also aligns your business with applicable sustainability standards.


That is exactly what CIRCULIFE does with its Circular Asset Manager. We are here to help your company value, repair, trade and sustainably manage your purchased electronic equipment. Through this innovative solution we strive for profit optimization and full ESG compliance. But it goes further than that. CIRCULIFE acts as the bridge between manufacturers, companies and repairers, creating an integrated ecosystem that adds both economic and environmental value for every party in the value chain.


Are you ready to step-by-step future-proof your company with CIRCULIFE for a sustainable future together!?Let's get to it!” – Virginie Versavel – CEO & Founder

Partnership with Glassdoor and LinkedIn

Build a custom membership site with locked content.

Imagine having a powerful tool that not only maximizes the value of your assets, but also aligns your business with applicable sustainability standards.

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See what users say about our job platform

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed a mi rhoncus, pharetra leo et, efficitur tortor. Fusce vel convallis magna”

David Sinclair - Senior Frontend Developer

“There are lot of interesting projects that casting directors post on this platform. So many people and companies trust casting through Platform”

Emily York - Senior Frontend Developer

Get the latest about our circular economy initiatives

How long should I wait before selling corporate laptops?
February 1, 2025
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CIRCULIFE in Nieuwe Maan Mechelen
November 4, 2024
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VITO + CIRCULIFE = Een Duurzame Oplossing
October 10, 2024
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CIRCULIFE vermeld door Vlaanderen Circulair
July 5, 2024
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CIRCULIFE vermeld in Knack
June 17, 2024
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Explore a job now!

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